Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pears and Tomato Preserving

Its nice to save old pickle jars, especially when they are made of glass. I was glad to have saved  this one for the Dried Pears ..I tell you when they say "there is more ways to skin a cat"  I tell you "There are more ways to save a Pear" than I can even think of :o)..That includes giving some to neighbors.  Before I took the time to dry these this year..I tried re-hydrating and making a cobbler out of some from last year...They weren't bad at all
I could have used more liquid in my cooking them as a cobbler, I was afraid to get the cobbler "watery". Next time, I'll do better although there was none left ( Cecil saw to that :o). I've had enough this year of putting away Pears.. I ended up doing pretty good with the tomatoes too. A neighbor shared some of hers with me for my Pears :o)..and I made some Tomato sauce/soup  and that's how I'm going to label them.  We had some of it this morning  with sausage and biscuits for breakfast;; I tell you that soup was on the money..Not at all like the soup you buy in the can, mine was way better and I know what I put in mine :o) I love having homemade Tomato soup and Chicken soup, it perks me right up. I also like to have some Tea in the afternoon..and just
think I've got a big jar of "Mullein" to relax
me..I've been on a roll over here :o)


  1. Oh, we can't wait for our tomatoes to come in strong. And thanks for reminding me of tomato soup. Belle makes a wonderful tomato soup too. Maybe I'll encourage her to can or freeze some of it.

  2. This morning mine was so tasty I was ready to do more tomatoes up in quart sizes :o)..

  3. You are on a roll, Ginny! Good for you. How nice that you and your neighbor could swap pears and tomatoes. It's good to share the wealth! :-)

  4. Sounds like you have been canning up a storm. Glad to hear you were able to get some tomatoes in exchange for your pears. Now take some time and relax:)

  5. Daisy, It is more blessed to give than to receive< so the Bible says :o) I guess your blessed to have it in the first place in order to give. ( My table runneth over with Pears :o).

    Mrs. Pickles, I have weathered that canning storm :o) it seemed that everything came at once. I had a few tomatoes but with the extra I was able to have enough to can in jars for later soups etc.

  6. All you canning looks so nice, I am going to have to dry some pears and apples they are one of my favorites, my grandpa us to dry them every year along with his figs. Yum, real food:) Hope you have a great week. Tink

  7. Tink's Spin,
    once you dry them , they will last I'm told for a couple of years...I used some that were a year old to make a cobbler..it worked, but I should have used more liquid ..next time I'll do better.:o)
