Monday, August 8, 2011

This is my Sunday Harvest :o)

Here are my jars of "Pear Butter" < that's some good tasting stuff :o) I found a nice recipe on the internet and I'm glad I did.
It has orange zest , orange juice and nutmeg in it makes it a nice flavor..I can see where next years Pears will be making more of it. Cecil had a taste and liked it right away. I didn't have to peel the pears for the Pear Butter I just put them (skin and core) into the "Champion" and she masticates it (think thats the right word. :o)  I've posted the Champion before, here she is again.:o)  There are two bowls under her ..the one on the left holds the "mashed waste" the one on the right holds the juice/puree of whatever your using ..see the wooden thingy at the top, that's the masher to press whatever your doing. As you work, you take the "waste" and put it back into the masher part and it will continue to take all the pulp and juice from the ingredients...for my tomatoes, I put the tomato quarters (cut enough to fit the hole) and the onions, some cuban oregano,parsley and green peppers, keep putting them back until they are just about dry
Then l you cook whatever your making and proceed with the canning. This Champion is very old, they are still selling them and It's more commercial, but for speed and just plain old workhorse I wouldn't trade it. I need a new cord and need to replenish parts.  They cost double today, but well worth it.

Broken down for cleaning, you can see the two screens (one blank, one screened for getting just pulp and juice) see the item on the left next to the bowls, that's the one that masticates the food..on it's side you see the teeth ( do a close up) You might even see my frayed dangerous cord :o(  Don't laugh, if you did the work this baby has done and was as old, you'd be frayed too :o).
I did my tomatoes so I could cook and can  them in the morning.. A good nights rest is what I need now..


  1. I love your Champion juicer! "The Italian" bought me a juicer last year. I need to bring it up from the basement and try it out with some canning. I'm sure it won't work as well as your Champion does. I will have to keep my eyes open for one of those at a flea market or yard sale!

  2. Robin, good luck with finding one..usually those are the ones that are like looking for a needle in a hay stack. In the meantime use the one the Italian bought you :o) at least it's less wear and tear on the body :o)

  3. That's the same recipe I used for pear butter a couple of years ago. It's pretty good stuff! Your champion looks like a monster at pureeing pears with. Much easier than the old strained method....

  4. Pear butter...mmm, sounds good. Some of those old kitchen appliances are real work horses. We have a really old blender that still works like a charm...heavy, and made out of real glass not plastic.

  5. E.G. That recipe for Pear Butter is great, It's a keeper for next year. Yep! Champion is a monster when it comes to working..I waited too long to order a cord.the company doesn't have the same one. .I'll have to do some digging for it.

    Mr. H. They aren't making anything to last today, it's all about making more money when you have to reorder or buy again...I have an old blender too, that's made of glass..and she still works good.

  6. That pear butter looks great.You sure are having a very productive year with your pears!

  7. Put your feet up and rest a bit, woman. You're working so hard it makes me look lazy!

  8. Mrs. Pickles, I think I'm going to really enjoy that Pear Butter this fall..with my grits and biscuits :o)

    Annie's Granny, I'm taking the last batch of Tomato Sauce out of the canner in about 15 more minutes and I admit I'm tired to the bone..I'm going to sit my fat lil self down in my "chair bed" for a good little spell.

  9. I just started reading your blog as this is my first year it so much. I have a champion juicer, and it is a champion! I also have half a bucket of pears in my dining room, and think I will do this in the morning. Its 105* here in So. I'm not outside and will be inside smelling this. Thanks so much.

  10. aeiminger, That Champion will walk though those Pears in no time you'll be done..take care of it and it will take care of all your juicing/puree needs.

  11. Your pear butter sounds yummy, Ginny. :-)

    Maybe you should have Cecil wrap some electrical tape around that frayed cord so it won't be quite as dangerous until you can get a new one, especially if you're going to keep using it.

  12. Daisy, that's a good idea, I intend to keep using it ..I'm searching for a replacement ...I even wrote the company they are still in business :o) now wonder, it's a good product....

  13. Hi there! I went from Granny's to EG's site and now here to you... I'm trying to find that Pear butter recipe! lol I finally found a post where you mentioned it but I still don't see the recipe. Would you be so kind as to tell me where to find this wonderful recipe?

    Thanks so much!! :)

  14. Sassy butterfly musings,
    there are many recipes on the internet for Pear Butter recipes..I use the one with nutmeg and O.J. it's delicious.
