Monday, August 22, 2011

Today wasn't a total loss as far as growing Habanero Peppers...mine didn't grow at all :o(  thank goodness my Latin market always has them...Cecil picked up a pound of them for me at the market and I promptly ground half of them up with my Homegrown garlic :o)  ( had to add that in, at least I had something homegrown to brag about). To make my "Habanero and Garlic Paste".. I use it in my "Spaghetti Medley" and other dishes I want to taste some heat :o) That jar you see is holding a Years supply  (I think).Update: 
Jody's request,
Jody..first thing..wear some plastic gloves, wash your peppers,take off the stem, cut them to take out the seeds etc, peel your garlic. use  equal amount of garlic to peppers grind finely in food processor , use a little olive oil until it's like a paste.. you then will only need about 1/4 tsp  for 1-2 quart dishes.. using it will determine how much you will need. It gets stronger with age :o)

I managed to get my pots filled yesterday with my Rutabaga Seeds (thanks Mr H. ;o) We are so overjoyed to have so many.. I expect them to come up within 7-10 days..I just might plant more of them..but we need room for the kale, collards, and Broccoli
Rabe.  We still have the Side garden and the P's garden...and soon the Eggplant will have to be taken up..Now I'm afraid to let that still grow..least something take it.. I'm still canning tomato sauce or soups ...I've added my spices to the tomatoes and cooked them to a point where I can use the sieve to take out the skins, seeds and pieces of spices now I can use the tomatoes any way I like. (After I cook it down a bit ) Then If I add some cream, it will be a delicious soup. Or I can add it to some Italian Sausages with onions and peppers on a hero :o)  Or chill it and use it as a Tomato juice breakfast with toast. So many ways to use tomatoes. :o)  I still have too many in the freezer..little by little I'll get it done..


  1. ground habanero and garlic! That sounds great. It looks like you have been really busy with planting the cups and making mouth watering tomato stuff..:)

  2. I'd probably take some of that tomato juice/soup and make chili soup out of it! Everything looks good, Ginny. Another busy day on your almost an acre farm, I see! :-)

  3. Mrs. Pickles, it's always busy here at the farm :o)

    Daisy, Chili is one dish we never grew to like much because the of the kidney beans :o( and yes, this "Almost an Acre" farm keeps us busy hopping :o)

  4. You can keep your habanero peppers. I am a light weight when it comes to hot stuff. I can barely eat jalapenos. :)

  5. Kris, don't tell me your a wimp when it comes to hot peppers :o) Your missing one of Natures best cures for the body..along with garlic and onions. I'll bet you could grow zillions of Habanero's, cause you don't like them..

  6. Its going to be nice and hot meadly with that garlic pepper paste. I love heat in my food and use hot peppers a lot too. Nice work on the seed holders. More work waiting when the seeds germinate :)

  7. Please, please, please send us your habanero garlic recipe. We're oversupplied with peppers and we don't know what to do with them. We do like spicy food. Your recipe is perfect. We're like you when it comes to mixing homegrown stuff with store bought stuff. Only instead of having to buy the habaneros, we have to buy the garlic!

  8. sarada, my Medley would be nothing without my habanero and garlic..

    Jody..first thing..wear some plastic gloves, wash your peppers,take off the stem, cut them to take out the seeds etc, peel your garlic. use equal amount of garlic to peppers grind finely in food processor , use a little olive oil until it's like a paste.. you then will only need about 1/4 tsp for1-2 quart dishes.. using it will determine how much you will need. It gets stronger with age :o)
