Saturday, August 20, 2011

Yesterday was a slow day for me..I just sat in my "chair bed" (giving the old knee a rest)
In the meantime I had Rutabaga seeds on my mind..I know it takes at least 7-10 days to get germination going..and fall would be here before I knew I sat there and made some paper cups :o)...First Cousin visited today and I taught her how to make them too. :o)  You would think I gave her a million dollars :o)  Things like this are far from First Cousins  imagination , she is so stunned at how simple it is and for what it's intended. The kraut is coming along nicely (stinking up a little , and making a gookie mess inside the bottle and crock pot. I've watched a few video's on the internet and it took me out to see a woman stomping  kraut in her bare feet...Women of old did the best they could and taught their we have advanced...and use food processors to cut finely, and weights in our crocks. I'm glad of that...once I put my foot in it..we'd have to throw it out :o)...Then again maybe it would be so good I'd get rich for the recipe and then I wouldn't nave to make my own kraut and then.....I think I need a nap!


  1. Okay I think I am in the same boat as your first cousin. What are the paper cups for. I think I know...but maybe not! Glad to hear that the kraut is coming along and that you were able to have an easy day today :)

  2. Miss Ginny, imagination is not something you are lacking. :D I hope your knee feels better after having a little rest.

  3. I'm glad you took yourself an easy day Ginny. All those little cups will be great for starting your seedlings for the garden; alot cheaper than the ones you buy.

  4. Mrs Pickles, by now I'm sure you have guessed what the little cups are all about :o)...Making them at leisure is better than being rushed at the last minute.

    Daisy, my imagination has kept me alive and well :o) without it I would be boring to myself :o)

    Mama bug, it doesn't take much time to make them and I'm recycling paper and it's good for the garden in the end..wish I could get some real chicken or cow manure :o) what a garden then I'd have :o)

  5. I don't think my wife would eat our kraute either if I stomped on it with my feet...maybe it adds flavor.:) Best of luck with those rutabagas and good job on passing along the knowledge on how to make those pots.

  6. Mr. H.
    I think we both need to keep our feet in our shoes :o)..I'm on my way to filling my cups and planting those little seedlings for my Rutabaga.. I'm planning on using one of the boxes for the Kale..I'm working over here. thanks again :o)
