Sunday, September 18, 2011

Smoked Beef Tongue

For a while there I thought I had entered into a bad dream!...Now I'd like to say
"Seek and ye shall Find"  or "Happiness is in your own backyard" ( where ever that is :o)
I'm so happy to report that I have two beautiful "Smoked Beef Tongues" and the day was saved by "First Cousin" who has become pretty good at helping me in a pinch :o)

I've added all the seasoning I wanted into the bottom of the pressure cooker so I can add the inside top to sit the tongue upon.
This is what the Tongue looks like out of the wrappings :o)  I'm salivating already..

This is the front of the tongue>..I did this so
you could see all angles :o)

Tongue squeezed into Pressure cooker
Tongue after being Pressure cooked One hour.

This a  picture of the skin being removed

Now to have some delicious sliced smoked tongue with some garden greens and some nice whipped sweet pototoes :o)


  1. I'm glad you were finally able to find it, Ginny. You knew it was out there somewhere, didn't you. I hope you enjoy it and have a nice Sunday. :-)

  2. Thanks Daisy, I sunk my teeth into it with gusto and so did Cecil and First Cousin :o) It was her first and she really enjoyed it and I had to watch Cecil nibbling :o)

  3. okay still looks questionable But I would try it and likely love it! glad you were able to find not one but two!

  4. Mrs Pickles, I'm enjoying my smoked tongue very much and got the extra one so I would have a second meal while looking for a more closer source. :o)

    jody, like they say "waste not, want not" :o) I'm from the old school.

  5. I've never tried tongue, but your post reminded me of the chapter in one of the Beezus and Ramona books where their mother served tongue. They found it so tender and delicious. . . until they found out what it was. LOL!

  6. Ladydi, there are lots of people like that, they never had it but will say "I don't like that", Then once they try it and like it , they try to take and eat the most of it :o)

  7. Ginny, I don't think I am brave enough to try something like this, but am so glad you found one! blessings,Kathleen

  8. You've won an award! Please visit our blog and see what all the fuss is about.

  9. Hi Ginny. I wanted to return the blog visit and thank you for your nice comment on mine. I started reading through your posts and have to say this one brought back memories. My grandmother used to fix beef tongue for my dad. He loved it in sandwiches! I don't remember if it was smoked or not, she got it at the butchers. I was a kid and didn't want to taste it. It's a rarely heard of dish these days.

  10. Leigh, hi and welcome to my blog:o) I'm happy that you came to visit and I'm glad I brought back some pleasant memories...You are so right, today smoked tongue sounded strange to many of my co bloggers, it didn't bother me at all, I just figured it was a taste I had and they were left behind my times :o) please come again...

  11. That looks delicious! Chilled sliced thin on rye with a good mustard. Lovely

  12. David, glad to know there's somebody out there that has had the same experience with tongue as I have and is young enough to remember how good it is...Mine was not wasted either :o) ate the last of it two days ago ..on Rye bread too :o)
