Monday, September 5, 2011

This was a Sunday Evening effort long waited for."PICKLED EGGS"

Here's hoping that the video  will work , if not just picture the pot boiling with a dozen eggs in it  :o)

Here is my pot of spices boiling.. and the recipe:
1 cup of white vinegar, 1 Cup of Pickling spices, 5 garlic cloves sliced,
1 cup of Brown sugar and one Jalapeno pepper (seeds removed).
I'll add the spice mixture into the jar (once it cools) where I have layered the  Eggs, onions, and beets ( to give the eggs a purple color :o). I won't be able to taste the "Pickled Eggs" for at least a week.. I think the longer it sits ( in the fridge) the better it gets :o)
All the Spices added to the Jar..Now the most important part "WAIT". ugh! I may have to sneak a taste. I've had this on my mind to do for quite a while, and today was the perfect day for it...I had bought extra eggs not realizing I already had a dozen tucked in the bottom tray :o).


  1. I'm sure you will be well rewarded for your patience, Ginny! I hope you are enjoying the Labor Day weekend. :)

  2. Daisy, I hope they are good and spicy :o) I'm resting after putting my Rutabaga in the ground :o)

  3. Pickled eggs...well that's interesting. I cannot knock them since I have never tried them...but

  4. Please, please, please send the recipe. We'd love to try making them ourselves.

  5. Mrs Pickles, glad to see you not knocking something you haven't tried. :o) you might like them..

    the only thing I didn't mention on the blog was the water from the canned beets about a cup that I added instead of a cup of water. I didn't have any fresh beets to slice.
