Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Eggplants

This year was my first in trying to grow Eggplant! The first I picked a month or so ago were small, and if I remember correctly were just a wee bigger than these! I was told to let them grow ..Now I'm wondering if I let them "grow" too long!  Two are the pretty dark purple shade, but very small, the others seem to have a golden hue  are they "too old", should I just compost them, or ignore the color and cook them as usual ?  Okay Robin, you can jump in here :o)  Today was a good day for Cecil to put the Collards down the "P" Row seems they were getting a little leggy..The Rutabaga and Kale are standing up like little soldiers after the big rain we had..(and needed badly).
UPDATE:  I tried an easy  recipe I found online and tried it out on two of my eggplants, the rest went into the compost ( although one was soft ,it looked pretty good inside) I have to say it was pretty tasty, had a taste similar to mushrooms and Cecil enjoyed seconds ( what else is new :o)..  I'll be making that dish again..Tonight we had it with Italian sausages and spaghetti. Didn't take time to take a picture.


  1. I don't know anything about growing eggplants, so I'm afraid I'm of no help to you on that one, Ginny. I'm glad to hear you got some much-needed rain. :-) This has been a wild summer for weather, hasn't it.

  2. Ginny, I would toss them just yet. Cut them and see how they look on the inside first. Hugs!

  3. My eggplant have been horribly small this year with the exception of the Rosa Bianca. Yes, those brown ones are too old! Kind of like someone we all know and love :)

  4. Daisy,that's okay Daisy, you keep me in laughs :o) Yes! this summer has been a doosey since March. We finally got a nice slow rain all day and night.

    Mama Bug, I'll slice them just to see what they are like so I'd learn the difference :o)..At least the compost will give them back to me :o).

    Robin, I don't mind if they are good and just small , but small and lousy is another thing..hahaha I think I know that someone your talking about, She's been pretty busy having fun with Anniversary and family ..but that's okay we'll just wait a bit until she relaxes and then push her button :o)

  5. Still waiting on our eggplants so I will have to simply look at yours and pretend. Glad you enjoyed them.

  6. Hi...we grow eggplants every year but this year they produced so many..I guess we planted them in the right spot..only planted 2.. They are still producing and we planted the first of April. I have added them to a lot of dishes I prepare..they don't have much taste and take on the flavor of whatever they are in...spaghetti, lasanga, soup, anything where tomatoes are used. The only pest is the flea beetle which eat holes in the leaves, but does not affect the egglant. I have a post on my blog..please check it out. They are very heat tolerant, we had temps in the summer around 105 and they never wilted.

  7. Prims and Annies,
    That's a nice way to save Eggplants, I only got a few of them at harvest..I'm not too keen on them so I didn't mind that my harvest was meager.
