Sunday, October 30, 2011

Here is one delicious Bowl of Pumpkin Soup and two ( I really ate three) of my "Angel Biscuits" both were delicious..the soup was nice and creamy..(Thanks daughter for that nice little stick blender :o). I usually make a decent biscuit when I don't fret about it , but I try to keep Mrs B's on hand to save me some work..these were so good and fluffy, I think I'd better keep that skill going :o)
Sorry about those lines my underline just kept clicking on :o(

One pretty Pumpkin Pie with only one spot I spilled some filling on :o(  otherwise maybe it would look perfect, but it's all in the taste. If the taste is good I won't worry about it having a little blemish , I know someone who wouldn't give a kitty how many spots were on it..Can you guess who that is :o)
My stove is getting to the point where it has hot spots :o(  as you can tell on one of the Pumpkins. Well, Cathy@home  what do you think about these pies :o)
Don't think that's a lot of pie in this house :o)  Usually I make Sweet Potato and don't even bother to ask for that recipe.. When I finish this post (while Cecil cleans up the kitchen) I'm going to sit down the rest of the evening and rest..and give myself a big slice of pie and hope the heck it taste as good as it looks and smells..

Now here are three more Pumpkin cubed bagged and frozen..BEFORE using Penny to seal them..and that worked..after they were frozen sitting up last night in the freezer I took them and sealed them with "Penny" and there was no juice to come out and stop the process..that's the trick using the food saver. It gives me more flexibility on using it. Now maybe it will be my good freezing friend.:o)
While I was doing all the preparations for making the pies I put on some sausage and spaghetti for dinner ..this way I could get some rest...

That's all the cooking I'm doing today..I'm tired now and need to rest. I won't even do laundry if I had to :o) I still have a couple pairs of you know what :o) (naughty).:o)
Don't be giving me that look, it happens in every household I don't care how rich you are.


  1. Oh my, look at all those pies! I can almost smell them from here. :-)

  2. another busy day for you! Those pies look great. I agree with you along as they taste good who cares what they look like! Your supper looks pretty darn good too! I hope you are able to rest the rest of the evening!

  3. Daisy,
    the pies were a success :o) one is almost finished already..Cecil can't get over them tasting almost like a sweet he is enjoying them.

    Mrs. Pickles
    today was another busy day..tomorrow I'm not doing anything! this time I really mean it..but those mixed greens in the garden are really looking mighty good...a couple of bunches for the freezer wouldn't be a waste of time:o).

  4. You don't knoe the meaning of the word rest! But dinner loooks wonderful and I can almoet smell it from here!

  5. Those pies look delish! I made my hubby bread pudding with a brown sugar and pecan topping today and a big pot of vegetable soup for tomorrows lunch. It's definitely soup weather these days! I'm going to crop my cabbage collards tomorrow, they're finally big enough!!!! You deserve a rest Ginny!

  6. I can understand how tired you are after all that cooking it is a good job you have some clean you now whats;)

  7. Everything looks wonderful! I would have stopped by for some of that wonderful pie....but, we had one heck of a snow storm :)

  8. Melodye,,
    I know the meaning of rest , if I could just do it without feeling I'm wasting time :o(

    That bread pudding sounds good to me, I've never had it with pecans on top . Those collards sound tempting , don't forget to make some cornbread with them :o)

    I've got enough for two or three more days before I have to do laundry , I can't wear them twice :o). Today I'm really going to rest..I've got leftovers so I'm set.

    you would almost be too late..Cecil has knocked off almost a whole pie except for the slice I had and the last one that he has claimed for later :o) Be careful out there in that snow..stay in.

  9. If you run out, Wal-Mart has a good price on you-know-what. You can't do everything in one day! I'm guessing Cecil would prefer cooking over laundry.

  10. Ladydi,
    I haven't run out of you know what yet! I know when I'm getting close because some of them begin to look frayed and I hate to toss them :o)..then I do laundry for sure :o)

    you can say 3 pies left today :o) Cecil has been busy..

  11. Yummy! It all looks wonderful! blessings,Kathleen

  12. Cindy Rose's Garden,
    it took time to make them and they are disappearing daily :o)

    Eggs in my Pocket
    Kathleen, Cecil is having a great time with these pies, he is so astonished that they almost taste like sweet potato pie which is his one of his favorite :o)

  13. Gosh, your pie crusts look so perfect. Mine always look so, so, cattywompus. The soup looks good too. Made with bacon you say? Mmmm. Great idea.

  14. Leigh,
    after that great buildup I'm afraid to admit those were store bought pie shells :o( I just barely have the strength to stand long enough to mix up the pie recipe :o)..nothing wrong with store bought to get you through :o) ...yes, I cut up bacon small and cook with onions celery and or carrots for my base and it works with just about anything..:o)
