Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Did you think I was resting today?

If you do a close up you will see how fully crowded this bed of Mixed Greens are. Cecil should have left a pathway in order to reach them better..but No! just like a man he doesn't want to listen :o(  well he has to pick them or pull them to thin then out ..maybe that was his intentions .(he loves greens too :o) This may look like a lot, but by the time you clean, wash, and shrink (blanch) them you have next to nothing. Two pounds become one pound :o(.  so you need a lot when you want to have a green fit.

You can see Cecil down in the garden picking or rather "thinning" them out  and putting them into a box top..which he then gives me and I do the separating of the leaves into the red bucket for the first washing, then I put them into large pan for the second wash ..then into the strainer

..then put them into the shade ( on the Patio) We have a good system going, but it takes a long time to get done.. When they get into the house they are ready for the shrinking process...but first...turn on the oven to 350 while I fry up some "country ham" and mix up some "Jiffy" cornbread with some peppers and onions :o) That's going to be supper :o)  I had to taste those greens that had me salivating all day.  After supper I'll get busy and finish up the harvest of greens for the freezer.

I forgot to take the picture before I put the greens in the freezer :o(  So I just opened the freezer and snapped a picture of them after I remembered :o(  All together I got 7 packs each weighing one to one 1/4 lb each. which I would say 14 pounds + the three to four we had for dinner ...at least 20 pounds of greens for the total harvest ..thus far...Not bad for a days work..


  1. Ginny, I don't think you know the meaning of the word "rest"! haha!
    Looks like a great harvest of your greens, and your supper sounds yummy. I'm glad to hear you were able to enjoy those greens. :)

  2. Ginny I knew you weren't gonna rest! But just try to take things a little easier! Nothing like good fresh homegrown greens!!!!

  3. not bad at all in fact well done I love your system .

  4. Boy, you had a full day! Those greens look great! I'm sure that they will taste wonderful in the middle of the winter!

  5. Daisy
    maybe i should update that dictionary :o)..I love greens
    sometimes even some raw :o)

    how can you rest when you see something that needs to be done before you lose it..greens won't wait for me, they will start to yellow and that's a mouthful I'd miss:o)

    to get those greens quickly you have to have a system :o) I can't get on my knees, hubby can..he pulls them up and I take the leaves off and the rest goes to the compost..everybody has a job :o)

    I did have a full day, but felt so satisfied with the results
    those greens may not make the middle of winter :o) it takes a lot of mixed greens to make a good pot..My kids would clean those pickings up in a day..

  6. Ginny, you and Cecil are two little sweet farmers even if you don't have a farm! I am in awe of what you are able to grow in your space! blessings,Kathleen

  7. That's a lot of frozen greens Ginny...good for you.:) Cecil is going to be very busy taking care of that plot of greens.

  8. Eggs in my Pocket
    Kathleen, remember the saying " about shining in the corner you are" (something like that")..That's what Cecil and I are doing..we regret we didn't start out with more land here in NC..I would definitely have some chickens and some pigs for bacon..I love bacon :o)

    Mr. H.
    that just looks like a lot of greens, they shrink something awful, so for a Sunday meal, or a greedy day meal I have to cook two bag. When the kids come, I can forget about the stock..they can clean me out pretty quick :o) they all love greens.

  9. Good system. The washing thing always gets me and I think I need to get specific containers for that. Your dinner sounds mouth watering indeed!

  10. Leigh,
    we love fresh greens here at my house..(we like greens out of the jars and the freezer too :o) we like greens period. :o)
