Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Another New Day :o)

Good morning and a "Happy Breakfast to ya!" :o)  Yesterday was "Cherokee Purple" sandwich for breakfast  which was pretty good..better than flakes for me ( right Mr. H. :o)  but now today...There's my "Grits" (with a pat of butter in the middle :o)  a fried egg, and two "neese's sausages" < that's a brand down here in NC they make a pretty good sausage, my brother in law makes a sausage that would give them a run for the money..Needless to say, I'm as full and happy about breakfast this morning.:o)
I bought some 1/2 gallon mason jars, and I intend to make some kraut today..I found a couple of recipes to make it the jars..I'm going to try I have enough cabbage to also put into the crock.
I bought the large 64 oz jars for my Pork and Kraut dish..I found a quart isn't enough Kraut the way we suck it up :o)..It's going to be a hot day..I'll just take my time ..Five minutes outside to get the cabbage and work inside at my own pace. I'm in no rush to do it fast.


  1. That breakfast looks great. I have never tried grits before though! Good luck with the kraut :)

  2. We've been waiting for you to get your kraut going; can't wait to see how it turns out. Ours is just about ready to be bottled and refrigerated.

  3. Boy Ginny, you must really love your kraut!

  4. I always made my kraut in jars. I don't care how it's made, it's nasty tasting husband and youngest daughter would dispute that!

    Your breakfast looks so good. I had to go out to the garden while it was cool this morning, so now it's noon and my 'breakfast' is leftover goulash!

  5. Mrs. Pickeles, once you try grits it will stay on your list of goodies :o)

    Jody, I tried a different recipe (making it in jars), today and I can see I'm going to need more solid heads.

    Robin, I tried a recipe with Pork, potatoe's and Kraut and it was so delicious I wondered why I never tried it I don't want to be without it.

    Annie's Granny, we both know that breakfast is whatever you make favorite is greens and cornbread leftovers.Goulash that's something good under the belt to take you through the day :o) that's why you and I are the youngest older ones :o)

  6. Ginny your breakfast looks fit for a queen! I'm sure it was delicious. Good luck with your kraut making and, yes, please take it easy in this heat!

  7. Nice grits, I can see you make them a little on the "thick" side which is the only way to eat them. There is nothing worse than soupy grits. I like to add several slices of American cheese to mine and then let the cheese harden up.

  8. Daisy, i doubt if a Queen knows what grits are :o), So I'm a more special queen :o) the "Grit Queen" I can even eat them leftover heated in the microwave.

    Kris, I can tell you know how to eat grits :o), They are good with cheese in them also.. A few people like to put a raw egg in it (the heat cooks the egg) and eat them like that.
