Thursday, July 21, 2011


A lot of hard work went into the harvesting of these few heads :o(  I only got two jars of Kraut from them :o(  although they were two nice large jars (family size meal). but I managed to get 4 meals of Cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage..and three meals to make cabbage and potatoes..All I have to do is fry up some country ham and then add the cabbage and potato's or make mashed potato's..and that's a good country (and city)meal :o).. I am a little disappointed with the amount of cabbage heads that formed..I think we might have been better off to plant fall cabbage for my matter. I used every bit that I cut today..and still have more growing..They have nice large leaves and some of them were chewed up pretty bad by slugs and whatever else..I remember Gloria Swanson ( an old actress) saying if the bugs don't want it you don't  either..I'm glad they left me some :o)
 Here I'm laying out the cabbage leaves to
roll them up..They look like one big green cigar
I'll use them to make stuffed cabbage :o)
I'm not a good film maker (yet! :o) I forget
that my camera does it ..You will also see them rolled up in film. We had the   TV
on and at the time they were playing country music , it seemed to fit right in with what I was doing. :o)
T Some look like Green cigars they are the leaves rolled up for stuffed cabbage..There are about four or five meals in that bag..
Then there are 2 bags with one pound each and one with 1/2 lb cabbage . My film will go by quickly ( I don't know what I'm doing yet!). You can hear the disappointment in my voice after two nice jars...(wish I could say six nice jars :o(  I'll just have to remedy that, with more cabbage heads..(not the leaves, they are too tough for kraut). It looks like I haven't made the least bit of a dent in the cabbage.

Update:  I don't know why the video's aren't working :o(  probably something I didn't do right or something I should and don't know what :o( .

I'm adding the video's again to see if that will work!

I did them all over again, think I was supposed to hit video (thought I did) anyhow, hope this works, you can hear how proper I sound :o)...when I was younger they said I sounded sexy! What happened :o)


  1. It is amazing how they shrink down isn't it. We harvested bin after bin of kale for freezing the other day and my wife was so dissappointed in how few gallons we ended up with after they shrunk up after the blanching process. Enjoy that kraut...better than the store but stuff right.:)

  2. Mr. H. what's so disappointing to me, is how the slugs just took over..I used Diatremeiuou Earth and Sevin, yet they got their little bellies full of my cabbage..I'm trying to get them up as fast as I can...ugh! and yes! they do shrink like the dickens, and I don't have nearly enough for the year.

  3. Well farmer Ginny.........there is nothing better than homegrown cabbage and you have a wonderful looking harvest. One of my favorite dishes is stuffed cabbage rolls! Have a great weekend ahead!

  4. That certainly is a nice harvest of cabbage! I made 4 quart jars of cabbage 2 years ago, and it was alot of work! Those slugs can be hard to deal with....

  5. Kathleen, I've been cooking some leaves for two hours and I think the frost needed to hit them :o( The ones in the freezer should be better if not ..out they go.

    EG , I've frozen six quarts and still have more to go, the ones I'm cooking better get done soon or it's a waste.

  6. I just can't grow cabbage of any sort. We have plagues of slugs, snails, caterpillars and pigeons. It's a war out there!

  7. Ginny, you've been working hard and everything looks great!

    The videos worked fine for me. It was fun to get to hear your voice. :-D

  8. Matron, I know about that war..the slugs really did a job on my cabbage...went all the way into it and just ate the life out of them...I managed to get a little harvest,it's so hot here I'm doing just a little a day until it's done.

    Daisy, Did you forget to say I sounded sexy :o) or did I lose that along with age :o)..and yes, I'm working hard trying to harvest some cabbage..only because we worked so hard getting it planted,

  9. Hey, sexy, I mean Ginny. I wish you had the two heads of red cabbage that are languishing in my refrigerator right now. I did a big pot of sweet & sour, froze some and gave the rest to my daughter. I think we'll be eating a lot of red slaw in the next few weeks. I don't have any trouble getting rid of green cabbage, but the bugs and slugs like it better...the red looks so pretty in the garden! LOL

  10. Granny,I don't mind being called sexy at this age :o) (if ony it were true :o) I only had one red cabbage! and it was from last year it survived the winter, it's on it's way to the freezer today :o)

  11. Our cabbages are always full of slugs too.:(

  12. Mr. H. I think next time I'm going to make a salt and water solution and spray it on the cabbage during their growth..I add Kosher salt to the water when I'm cleaning them and the bugs and slugs move why not while the cabbage is growing! Sound good to me, maybe I'll invent something, get rich and have a chicken farm :o)

  13. Boy you have been one busy lady! I have some cabbage in the frig that I need to do something with. I just have to decide what.

  14. Robin, one more day and I'll have all the cabbage far I have four 1/2 gallon jars of kraut and 8 quarts frozen..maybe finishing up I'll get 3-4 more quarts. I'm tired of cabbage now.

  15. ohiofarmgirl, and there's more more more! Doing the last of it today, whew!
