Monday, July 18, 2011

Here's Monday again!

Not much to show for "Harvest Monday" , I haven't been in the garden since Saturday.
Cecil managed to pick the one zucchini and a few squash..I'll open the grill later to get them blanched and into the freezer. Can't cook anything yet, the stove is still out..I do have the grill, that I can cook on..maybe later ..waiting for the Gas company to call and or arrive is the pits , you can't do anything. :o(

At least I was able to have a worthy breakfast of  "Cherokee Purple" tomato sandwich for my breakfast, and Cecil had flakes...that's not too bad ..( I'd rather have some grits and country ham :o). You don't miss the water til the well runs dry...You don't appreciate a hot shower until you can't have it hot..I had to use almost cold water to wash with last night and more of the same this morning ..Reminded me of the old days,(my younger days) when you had to wash up in a basin, in a NY tenement. at that time I could lift my leg up and put my foot in the basin to wash..If I wanted to break my neck I could probably do that Anyway, hopefully this day will give some good results..Thanks for all the comments of our safety, We appreciate it :o)  Even ole grumpy granny was worried that she wouldn't have someone to yell at.. (I think Mr Granny just ignores her) :o).


  1. I can't think of anything better for breakfast then a CP tomato sandwich!

  2. Have you been peeking in my windows Ginny? Mr. Granny hasn't listened to a thing I've said in years! Now he's getting hard of hearing, so he has an excuse.

    Sure wish I had some of those yellow squash. I love them diced into the green beans for the last couple of minutes of cooking, or mixed with fresh simmering corn kernels with lots of butter, salt & pepper. Mine couldn't find a spot in the garden until just recently, so my "summer" squash will have to be "fall" squash!

  3. Robin, I was kind of proud that I had grown them myself and that made them taste better :o)

    Annie's Granny, The night I peeked in the window I thought I saw him quickly look up at the ceiling and rolled his eyes at something You said, but Annie started barking so I ran away :o).
    Seriously, what is the difference in "Fall" squash? Do you just plant more squash? I need to know that, Cecil loves it and I don't have enough to last for winter.

  4. Ginny I'm so glad you are alright and hope the gas company hurries right on over. I have to say - your 'mater sandwich made my mouth fall right open! WOW!

  5. "Fall" squash is the "summer" squash that didn't get planted in time, LOL! You can still plant that yellow squash and have some ready for picking this fall.

  6. Ohiofarmgirl, It seemed like it took them all day to get here ..we were waiting since 7am and 11am they showed, there were other calls besides ours and first come first served! we had a problem they had never seen took four of them to get us going..but it all worked out and "W're alive" :o).

    Annie's granny, I do declare granny, I think theres some smarts between your ears :o) Cecil says,thanks a lot he loves squash better than me :o(

  7. Annies Granny, I meant to say he loves squash better than he loves me :o(

  8. Nice looking squash and zucchini. I hope you are able to get your gas restored soon. Now you have an excuse to make your husband cook dinner on the grill.

  9. Glad to hear things are back in order at your house. That would be scary.

  10. I love tomato sandwiches. My dad and I used to make them on fall days when we'd take the old Dodge out to cut wood for our fireplace.

  11. Kris, hubby can make a quick breakfast which he sometimes does, but dinner! forget about that one :o)
    Everything is back in order..a few changes will be made,thank goodness things went well..

    Ladydi, it was kind of scary, especially since the kids haven't been home together since our illness and for something bad to happen, Ugh! makes me sick to think about that.

    Jody, nothing like a tomato sandwich smeared with Mayonaise.salt and peppr :o) or a green tomato fried up :o) makes me happy just thinking about it..:o)

  12. I'll take that delicious Cherokee Purple tomato sandwich over flakes any day.:)

  13. A perfect I guess. I love to have Oat meal with almonds! Have a good day!

  14. Mr. H. , you and me both :o)

    Kochuravi, everyone has a favorite that's good for any meal.
