Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blueberry Cobbler is today's Doings in NC , :o)

Today is another hot day in NC.. Early this morning I plucked up the last of the cabbage from the front bed and got them all done and in the freezer..All total I got about 13 lbs and that's not counting the four 1 1/2 gallon jars..So the cabbage is finished and not too shabby what the slugs left me..
I don't plan on going out in this heat..the elderly should stay in  :o)  (that's me and Annie's Granny ). To make good use of the time, I decided to try the Blueberries that we picked and the kids didn't get the chance to taste...I gave myself a good laugh  listening to the video ..Hope you get a laugh too :o)

Looks aren't deceiving, by golly! it's good..:o)


  1. Looks good Ginny! Someone at the plots gave me peaches this morning and I was just saying that I should make peach cobbler. You should have posted your secret recipe!

  2. Thats a lot of cabbage. Good for you! The cobbler is making my mouth water :)

  3. I'm in and out, Ginny. I'm making and freezing pesto and raspberry jam, but I have to pick strawberries and beans. It's not very hot here, though.

  4. Robin,I don't have a secret recipe :o) I posted one that Kathleen from " eggs in my pocket"gave me and I've used it many times, it's easy and delicious.

    Mrs Pickles near the end it felt like a lot of cabbage :o), the cobbler is delicious, I have to watch my B/S with that one :o)

    Annie's Granny, I guess we both can't sit down and do nothing regardless of how hot.. sounds like you have a lot to harvest's hot as hades here:o(

  5. That cobbler looks wonderful, Ginny! What a treat! :)

  6. I just took two dishes of blueberry cobbler out of the oven, then sat down to visit you. You know what they say about great minds thinking alike!

  7. Daisy, the cobbler is delicious and my B/S went up this morning from it...I'll have to moderate myself. :o(

    Ladydi, Which one was mine :o) or did you share with Larry (or were you greedy and ate the two of them).:o)

  8. Miss Ginny, one was actually for Larry's parents, to help them celebrate their 67th anniversary!

  9. Why that was an awful sweet thing for you to do :o)
    I guess I can do without it , since my B/S told on me this morning :o( I was doing so well, those darn desserts :o( Since I'm diabetic seems I sit up and dream about making sweets and Cecil isn't bothered one bit.:o( he can even have seconds :o(

  10. I forgot to say Congratulations to Larry's parents "67 years", they have us beat by 4 years :o).
