Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is it Fall yet? it seems Summer is not over

This is the Sweet Potato Patch  (purple and yellow sweet potatoes).  I have to give some credit to E.G. he's the one that put the fire under my heels to get it going..They are doing pretty good thus far..Cecil doesn't like putting the hay, but I insist on it ..I think it keeps the ground from drying out much..he's getting better about it, I think he thinks the snakes love to hide in it.

I planted some Boc choy, and it's just beginning to catch on..I don't know if it will be big enough to do anything with but I'll just let it keep on growing..the Eggplant was a surprise..I didn't think much about it and it seems it finally took off and we have harvested a couple of small ones..we are going to see if the others will get any larger.

A lot of work went into this garden, the yield this season wasn't too great, I think it was just too darn hot and dry.. no rain and very hot was hard for us to survive. 
Let's give this Lone Cantaloupe some credit..I don't remember  if it's one we planted or the Birds brought the seed  (maybe from E,G.'s garden :o)..So far she is doing nicely in just a two foot space..she may have it..UPDATE:  Yesterday we examined the cantaloupe and it looked like something or the wind had rolled it over. We decided to let it grow just one more day. Wrong! The something came back and took it away, so we will never know what kind of cantaloupe it was or how it tasted :o(  Sometimes you need to listen to yourself ..and act then..for us later was too late. :o(
You'd have to do a close up to see the Persimmons growing on the tree..i'm always surprised in the fall when everything else is brown and leaves gone ..the Persimmons ripen. I wish I had got of them, the fruit gets eaten so quickly..I still have some pulp in the freezer to make that cake :o(.


  1. You have so many beautiful things growing. We've never tried bok choy and we didn't dare try eggplant this year. To many bugs! I hope yours gives you a great harvest.

  2. It looks like the garden is having it's second wind!! That Boc Choy will do just fine. I grow it in the cooler weather and even in to the winter.

    I think that you have a lot of harvest left in your garden for sure!!

  3. Jody, I'm surprised at the boc choy still growing so nicely and hope that I do get a nice harvest from it ..especially after the water bill :o)

    Robin, I'm happy to hear that Boc choy will grow in cooler weather into the winter..guess I just had dumb luck :o)

  4. Your garden looks wonderful! Do you also make jelly from your persimmens? blessings,Kathleen

  5. Happy to see that things are still growing in your garden!That always takes the sting out of fall coming :)

  6. Eggs in my pocket. I've never made Jelly from my Persimmons. I should give that some thought, they aren't really sweet enough until they are very ripe.and by then I've tasted them all up :o)

    Mrs Pickles, The garden is really doing nicely it's also really time for me to get my fall stuff going..I can't wait to get some Rutabaga going and try my hand at some Kale finally.

  7. You still have quite a lot going on there in that garden of yours, Ginny. Too soon to call it quits yet! :D

  8. Daisy, just when you think it's all done, something else pops up..gardening really is a never ending story. :o)

  9. I enjoy eating persimmons. Lucky you!Hope the boc choy, brinjals gives you something for the dinner table:)

  10. Greetings from Japan!
    Arrived at your blog from Matron's blog...
    I can smell the air of autumn here in Japan where I am staying...
    Happy gardening...

  11. Sunshine Girl and Lrong
    Welcome to my blog, I hope you enjoyed your visit :o) and I invite you to come back again and again :o) I'm always doing something and maybe it will be something you would enjoy seeing ..I'm always thankful when someone makes a comment too..
