Friday, September 9, 2011

Where can I find it

I don't care how old you get, there are some taste you can't satisfy with substitutes!
I've learned to make or do without lots of childhood foods or substitute them for new tastes..but here in NC.. i haven't been able to find a "Smoked Beef Tongue". What happened did people forget how to make them...I don't think the younger generation even knows about them..anyway...anybody know?

I am so surprised at the negativity about "Smoked Beef Tongue" . Surely some must  have heard of it's a European type dish from way back. Have we become so far from the Peasant road :o).  There are many dishes today that have peasant origin. People had to do what ever it took to feed a family mostly of 10 or 12 birth control wasn't heard of in any way.None of the animal was wasted, even the guts< people won't admit to eating them also...I say "get hungry enough"...Oh well! as for me  "I'll eat "Smoked Beef Tongue" if I can find it...and I'll send in a Picture :o)


  1. lol now if smoked beef tongue is really smoked beef tongue....then There are likely a few smokehouses around here that would carry it...but just a wee bit out of your

  2. Mrs Pickles,
    it's only gross because your ignorant of the taste ;o) Once you have tasted it, you'd be greedy for the next bite..There are smokehouses here in NC..I'm waiting for the right reply...

  3. Oh Ginny, I cringed when I read this..........I am sure with a good cook like you, it would taste wonderful...........I just don't think I am ready to try it. A while back, our store used to sell beef tongue, tripe and chickens feet, however, I don't see much of that any longer. You asked me about the fires here in Texas? As for now, we are not in harms way, however, we are surrounded by ranchland and covered in woods. The threat is hanging over us like a wet blanket. We are so desparate for rain, ponds and lakes are drying up, folks are losing their water wells, there is no crops, no feed for livestock and we don't know when there will be an end to this. This is the worst time I have ever seen the drought to be. Thank you for asking and thank you for your prayers. blessings,Kathleen

  4. Ginny, I can remember my mom buying beef tongue a few times when I was a little girl, but I don't think I've seen it in stores here anytime recently. I hope you find what you're looking for. :)

  5. I love tongue!! Usually can find it at a good Jewish Deli.

    Here is a link where you can order it..they're out of stock, right now, but keep watching and they'll get it back.


  6. Ok, I am a Generation X'er and I am sorry but I probably wouldn't eat beef tongue. I have definitely heard of it, but have never tried it and probably never will. We all have our different tastes, some folks gross out when I tell them I like banana and mayo sandwiches. :)

  7. Kris, I love banana and mayo, for a treat add some avocado to it :o) If you ever get the chance to try Smoked beef tongue, it's not much difference between corned beef or pastrami.

  8. Ginny - that corn is lovely! We just got another dozen from the guy down the road. We just put the money in the pay box. I'll be thinking of you as I get it processed this afternoon.I'm making scalloped corn for supper. And I might keep some out for fritters for lunch tomorrow.

    I know folks who still love smoked beef tongue. You are just right - nothing was wasted and when folks get hungry enough they will understand.

    I guess you and I can have a little laugh about what folks 'wont eat' it but then are pleased as punch to eat "whatever" is in their processed food. I'm guessing there is tongue in there somewhere.

    ps one of my grandfather's favorite sandwiches was souse.

  9. Ohiofarmgirl,
    I'd like to see that recipe for scalloped corn! This year we are eating corn like it's going out of style :o) the last batch looked larger when we got it home , so I canned it to make fritters and creamed..
    I think when people haven't been exposed to some things they turn up their nose automatically :o) and once they give it a try..end up liking it. If they eat hot dogs and bologna they don't know what the heck is in it. :o)

  10. Jilled, I found that same site and gave them a call, I'm hoping they will contact me and soon"o)
