You just have to find the right solution...I wasn't able to really delete a comment on the comment page , now at least I can reject comments before they are posted...
I feel better now about the situation..The computer acting up is now less annoying...I let it warm up a long time before I start blogging...and feeling better is a good help too!
and now back to our running program:o) The picture is from the trip to or from California...you would think it's out in the woods (or mountains) where civilization is limited...but hold on..they have stores and shopping malls that would be the envy of any big city....
It looks quite pretty, Ginny. You certainly saw a lot on your trip! :)
Daisy, my children made sure they showed me every place my legs would carry me, they wanted to make sure the trip was worth the visit...just visiting the sushi bar was a desire for filled.
My last visit I ate sushi until it came out of my ears :o)...I couldn't stop talking about it...
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