A lot of preparation went into presenting this class for the Triad Spinners....Pat Sisson took the class at the John Campbell School....and was able to present it to the Guild .....She did a wonderful job of teaching....there were a few of us that had not seen a "distaff" close enough to know how and what it was supposed to do ( I being one of them). Pat did a wonderful demonstration of the process ....and while we practiced Spinning the Flax she spun us a story about a King and his Flax farm.....I wanted it to be a Continued Story...wished she would have added another chapter...We all enjoyed it.....it's been awhile since I've had a story read to me.....Must get to the Library and get one of those tapes to read me a story while I spin! The item you see on Pat's right side tied with a ribbon is a "Makeshift Distaff" .....