Friday, February 29, 2008
Starting this Day with socks

Sock it to me, Twice
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Start of a Triloom Shawl

< beginning stage, fringe is added on this one as I worked

almost done> has to be taken off the loom ....fulled.....blocked....and ready to be worn and admired.....
Monthly Guild Meeting
Friday, February 22, 2008
Finding Old Things

Virtual Country Breakfast with Jilly :o)

Today in NC the weather is dreary , cold with overcast skies.....that's better than snow and cold in the Northeast where I'm happy not to be ! It's the kind of day to stay in my P'J's knit and fall asleep in the chair ....but first Breakfast with my friend Jilly who has learned to eat grits :o) with much prompting!
This morning the grits were perfect also the cured ham was soaked for a couple of hours to delete a lot of salt content.. a nice fried double yolk egg ( you can't get everywhere, we do in a small country store :o) I just love living in NC....I planted two pear trees three years ago and I make my own pear preserves from them....now don't that sound like Country :o) I wish I were young enough to have that farm, ( until I think about snakes, I change my mind real quick :o( Put a couple of nice buttermilk biscuits on the side ( I buy the frozen Mrs B's , 20/pk. they taste as good as any I would make (almost) unless I feel like making my "Angel Biscuits" I could sell that recipe. Jilly you can have a glass of cold milk and I'll have that Diet Pepsi :o) and DH will do the dishes :o)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Today is Spaghetti Day
have been first....it all went into the pot with spices you didn't see.....
Oregano, nutmeg,Canjun spices, Italian seasoning, ETC. :o) couple of secrets :o)
Mohair and Wool dyed with Prickly Pear

Here is some Wool and Mohair Blend , dyed with the Prickly Pear , I didn't have to use a mordant with it....and I can't remember if I added some just for good measure......I have some still "brewing" in a container on the Patio ( which is slowly becoming a mini Dye studio :o) The color is like a Strawberry Parfait :o) and looks just as delicious< I don't know what it will become , but I'm sure it will make a nice project happy!
Natural Dyeing with Cactus Prickly Pears

Natural Dyeing with Black Walnut Hulls

Monday, February 18, 2008
Another Loaf of Bread

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Oh Happy Day! Good News Flash