I have to give credit where credit is due..Cecil does a good job tending our gardens on our "Almost an Acre" farm :o) (especially with my supervision :o) here it is the end of September..and greens from the garden still luscious, and my Row of Gardenia's still giving off enough flowers to make one happy at the table...(you can see them with a close up view).
My belly is content with those greens and cornbread with Jalapeno peppers, onions, and a little garlic ..... and all is right with the world :o) I'll make turkey salad later from the leftover's...but who needs meat today!.....
Oh look, you fry your cornbread the way we used to when I was little! Man, that makes my mouth water.
I wish you'd send Cecil for a visit, lol. Gregory and I are on our own in the garden which is part of the reason we don't get as much of a harvest. I get too tired to keep up with the weeds in the summer heat.
Laurie, sometimes that's the best way to eat it with greens , and it's quick enough not to miss a mouthful of greens while it's cooking :o)
Deborah,If I sent Cecil for a visit you might want to keep him, I've trained him pretty good :o) LOL Ginny
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