Today has and is a busy day for me...I'm in the midst of canning some potatoes and chicken for chicken salad...and the phone rings announcing that the Great Grandson is on his way to making his debut (within the next 24 hours)! He will Be Cecil the 4th. Everyone is excited even thought we all knew it was a boy!..Hard to realize that your kids are becoming grandparents...Jeeze! I never thought I'd live this long, but it's a welcome blessing.
I won't bore you with the peeling of all these potatoes :o), thank goodness for the new gadgets that you only have to give a quick scrape. Potatoes french cut waiting to be sprayed and put into the oven, cooled and "Penny" will seal them and I'll put them into

The freezer..the quartered pot
atoes will go into the canning jars so I can use them for mashed or just boiled :o)...that will be good for those lazy days or when potatoes cost too much I can snub my nose at them :o)
With so much chicken to clean up I decided to give it a taste and fry up a couple of legs for dinner ..and whatever else leftover is in the fridge , I can't do everything..The chicken had a good taste and I only like to get the fresh chickens when they are on sale..seems the bone explodes if they have been frozen and un thawed! So these will be just fine..These are only two legs with backs and that's more than enough of a meal for us.
I used the fat pulled from the chicken and being taught not to waste! I decided I'd try that little trick my mother used to do when she made liver umm? anyway You add the fat into a pan and on a low fire the fat melts and becomes a "crackling" (good in cornbread like bacon:o) and the fat is used in that liver dish ( I can't remember just now.) anyway it will be on hand when I'm ready.
t's pathetic to work a pot as many hours as I did this one to get some pure chicken fat and you can see I only just about got a cup, and the cracklings weren't too bad for the time..oh well/!
The potatoes came out pretty good I think!
I put some vinegar in the water to keep them from turning brown while I waited this morning to rinse them and get them jarred..Not bad if I say so myself.
The chicken gave me a little start , I heard a pop and I thought one of the jars had cracked..and I thought "nothing I can do about it now until they are finished ...well thank goodness it was nothing that I could see..maybe I was just tired..anyway, maybe I could have bought some chicken
for salad, but it's not the same and I like dark meat because it's moist , less mayo.
I think I did a good day's work, I'm tired
now and I think that's it for this old girl today..
That's not the end of my excitement...Our "Daisy" sent me the "Onion Bloomer" today..I read the instruction's real quick but I think I need a degree to work it :o) but I'm going to try it...and soon..I've seen them and they make a lovely presentation.
Thanks Daisy, are you sure you not a Rose :o) your mighty sweet.