getting closer to the hill, my better judgement said "forget it girlie"all you need to do is slip like you did before and break a leg (or hip). Mullein will have to be gathered someplace else..Not so, Cecil insisted on doing it himself..
Well needless to say, he was up that hill like a mountain climber, stripped two Mullein's of their leaves and started back down again.
He admitted it became steeper than he thought and had to "sit" down to get down, doing a "butt slide" :o)...One thing about us old folks, we will try by any means necessary to reach a goal :o).

Mission accomplished :o) Here he comes down the sidewalk, bag of Mullein leaves in hand ..Do you notice his "Manly stride" :o) You would think he was "Superman's brother" :o)...I definitely will have to give him a special treat :o)...
I've got the Dehydrator filled to the top drying the leaves after a good soaking and washing..I had quite a bit from two plants, so I had to do a makeshift hanging place (over the washing machine :o) for these until the others are dry..Well, this turned out to quite an adventure today harvesting some Mullein leaves. Should I have waited until Monday :o)...
Update: July6th
last night I ran out of my sleep prescription and made a large cup of Mullein tea sweetened with Honey...well I slept from 10:30 until 2:40, then fell back to sleep around 4:00 and slept until 8:15..could have been better , but I was rested :o) Mullein is relaxing for sure.
Great work! And yep, he was walking a mighty manly stride. Yay!
Aw...that was very sweet of Cecil to do that for you, Ginny. That tea will taste extra good, I bet. :)
I'd say that is true love after all these years!! What a wonderful husband you have to go through all that to get you some mullein! Maybe he thought it would keep you quiet.....just sayin :)
Good for you. Your very fortunate to have such a super-man.:)
Ohiofarmgirl, I guess that's what makes them men :o)
Daisy, I don't know! maybe Robin had the right thought, he may not have wanted to hear me moanng about not having any Mullein :o)
Robin, in your inocence you are probably right :o)
Mr. H. Yes, I'm lucky and so is he...I don't have a daugther or daughter in law that would be concerned about gathering Mullein for tea :o( and neither would any of his sisters, or sister in laws. (not even his mama) :o)
Does Mullein grow in PA. Seeing you like it so much tells me it's worth the search.
Jody, PA is just a stones throw from NJ and I saw plenty there growing...I think it would be worth you trying it.
hahaha, Cecil knows he will benefit from it♥ I have to look up what a Mullein is, it's my first time hearing about it. It sounds delicous
Cici, it has a little bitter taste (like turnip greens:o) but add some honey and it's good to go!
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