First I'd like everyone to have a "Merry Christmas" and enjoy your family..
and friends....
I'd like to have a Merry Christmas present...would someone be kind enough to tell me how to get rid of the "mystery follower" that is following my blog and when I try to see who it is , ......I'm led to a site I don't care to view...I'm having enough trouble with my computer ,than have to suffer someones idea of a prank!....They are Posting senseless comment's on my blog, which somehow I can't delete!

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
and now "Back to the Vacation"

Here is what a Storm brewing in the west looks like! kind of scary when the sky looks so tremendous and if it could suck you up with one whiff!
There wasn't much lightening or thunder noise..but I was glad to get out of it's way! A car was no place to be for me at that time...we made it to safety inside the mall...there were many people shopping for Christmas, you wouldn't think there was a recession , ...
Houses ,Houses , Houses...
Flowers in Arizona still in Bloom Thanksgiving"

The weather had been getting cold in NC...and we felt as if we had missed the whole summer...since we both were ill in the time we gained enough strength for the trip it was still good weather in Arizona...I took a couple of shots of flowers that were still in bloom and it's the beginning of their Winter.
Friday, December 18, 2009
I'm interrupting the Vacation pictures for a minute

To give a News Flash:
North Carolina has Snow! Just about Six inches last count and it's still coming down...:o)
Maybe it will help some of us who have these bad colds..I hate to say it , but it seemed as if I had that HINI bug...I had all the symtoms of it that they gave out on the news..
Anyway I decided to stay in and do some baking, different activity than in the young days :o) thing at my age to do :o) for now anyway!! LOL
I've been dying to try this Rugelach recipe from the "Barefoot Contessa"
and I must say it turned out pretty good, what your looking at is half of them...Cecil enjoyed them with a glass of milk...I had a sody :o)
A nice Pound Cake to Boot!

This one turned out nice and high and tasted worthy of the effort...
I'm not expecting anyone, but just in case ...I'll have a little taste of a treat..
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Just a foreword:
Of course I got the pictures A@# backwards again...but at least I was able to put them on the blog...every picture took two or three times editing...I don't know if it's the computer or me...I'd rather blame it on the computer. :o)...anyway you should enjoy one or two of them...I've got lots more to share...and I'll keep them coming as long as I can ...Do a close up and you will be able to see and get more out of them...
A View from Above the Beautiful City...

Hey! don't laugh at least I'm taking the plane nowThe city was larger than I imagined.
Which house is which?
Cars and Houses that match?
Pretty Blue and White House
Television sign comes to life :o)
Some moutains along the way
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
UP Dates of Trip...

I'm sorry that some of you were not able to view the video's I posted...
they ran pretty quickly once they started, my son didn't slow down for me to snap any pictures...(you could see how fast he was going if you were able to view any of the shots :o)...I should have held the button longer...anyway , at least I didn't lose them like I thought...
You all like to see special foods so I'm posting a few meals we had while we were in California and Arizona...
Monday, December 14, 2009
I hope this is a good has taken me more than an hour to process it, the computer is really acting up..!!....hope you all enjoy the effort..just imagine the fun I was having trying to give you a peek at our adventure :o) I had a good time...and I can see that I have to "hold" the button longer for the video to be almost like a movie ...I also found some of the movies in front of stars homes , but I don't and can't remember which ones and if I do , I'll say so.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Still onward to Hollywood...and trying desperately to get good video of the massive windmills...they are at least 5 or 6 apartment floors high (don't know what else to compare them too)
replay to get the feeling of how fast we were traveling...My Son should have taken up Race car driving...(my grandson is supposed to be worst, whew! I'd rather walk)
On the way to Hollywood video #1164
I finally figured out this video is on the way to Hollywood...good thing I didn't lose them..just had to reconize which was on video...Sometimes other cars got in the way of my picture taking (most times just as I was about to snap). This video doesn't have any sound (drat the luck) ...I need to learn more about doing the procedure...(read the darn book).
Windmill City #1162
The conversation was about who was snoring loudly :o)....I was so tired I fell asleep, and didn't hear anyone snoring...
Each time you view a may run very quickly..and it may be very loud...what you will see in the video below , you will have to look very is "Windmill City" (name given by my daughter in law) ..
It is truly Windmill City...there are windmills on the left and on the right ..windmills in front of you on hills ...I tried to capture them all on video...sorry if my video is "crappy", but I did the best I knew how :o) how.
Be patient...and enjoy what ever you see...
It is truly Windmill City...there are windmills on the left and on the right ..windmills in front of you on hills ...I tried to capture them all on video...sorry if my video is "crappy", but I did the best I knew how :o) how.
Be patient...and enjoy what ever you see...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
long hike to the beach
Wading in the water ........
Cecil and I finally got there :o)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Huntington Beach ..
Hotel Hilton at the Waterfront

Sunrise in California

Under the weather :o(
I've been sniffling and sneezing all week...caught Cecil's cold...and today I just couldn't stand it any longer ...I had to go to the garden to see how the greens were fairing in this weather...(knowing me I took a pan..and picked some :o)....they were soooo good ..they immediately gave me a kick in my step ...the cold air also helped to open up those clogged area's in my head...
Sorry to get to you all so late...but late is better than never...I'll get back to the "vacation" :o).....
We were able to view the Sunrise at the Hotel...I might not have pictures in order...I'm trying to get thru this with the computer acting crazy...
Sorry to get to you all so late...but late is better than never...I'll get back to the "vacation" :o).....
We were able to view the Sunrise at the Hotel...I might not have pictures in order...I'm trying to get thru this with the computer acting crazy...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
On the little Patio off the room
Hilton Waterfront Hotel
Saturday, December 5, 2009
"Inside Tokyo Table"
Friday, December 4, 2009
Onward to Hollywood :o)
View of the City of Hollywood
Chinese Theatre (Gromens)
"Street of Stars"

When you get to the last this page you will have to go to older posts to see the rest of this session , "the management" ..:o)
Hattie McDaniel
Susan Hayward
Cecil B. Demille
Queen Latifah's star
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thanksgiving spent with my Son and his Family
Guess you thought I fell of the face of the earth...well I went to see another part of it....We visited our Son in Arizona for "Thanksgiving"and was taken on a surprise visit to California :o) it was a beautiful trip and I've got lots to share with you.
I've seen so many lovely sights and it was a real pleasure for us both.
We were treated "royally" did any and everything we could possibly want to see...and ate like two pigs...that didn't help my "butter butt" but we both enjoyed it...
I tried to post things as they happened, but the computer is kicking my butt and I might get things mixed up a bit...but hold on..and pray I can recover some video picture I took...if not slap me!
I've seen so many lovely sights and it was a real pleasure for us both.
We were treated "royally" did any and everything we could possibly want to see...and ate like two pigs...that didn't help my "butter butt" but we both enjoyed it...
I tried to post things as they happened, but the computer is kicking my butt and I might get things mixed up a bit...but hold on..and pray I can recover some video picture I took...if not slap me!
Chip in his "car seat" buckled in for the trip to California

Here is "Chip" in his car seat for the trip to re-unite with his "Sibling" , "Nano" ( in Calle)...(for those of you who don't know , those are computer terms :o),
I'm almost as smart as a 5th grader :o)....Chip is small, Nano is smaller...
Chip is a smart little "Dog" and looks for grandma to bring a bone..he smelled all around my purse and kept looking at me ...I never did get one this time ..Oh Craps, he will be pissed.
"Granddaughters Complex"

This is the entrance to the is a very beautiful green lush place...I took zillions of video pictures and I can't seem to locate them on the camera...I did something wrong like an A#$$..glad I took some still pictures..
Anyway it is surrounded with beautiful trees, plants and have many Bird of Paradise a close up and see if you can get a better look...
Cecil walking through the entrance of the Complex to Lauren's section

We have arrived and Cecil is walking through the Complex, where he will pass a very large Pool, a private kitchen for the tenant's (guess in this fancy place they are called "guests" :o)..private part for children to is one of the most lush places I've ever seen...needless to say living there is a real nice place to be...I could do it in a heartbeat...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Family at dinner at the "Tokyo Table" in California

I'll be posting more picture tomorrow if the computer lets me...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
"Nature comes to Ginny's house"

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Don't go look at the Garden!!

Didn't I wake up this morning with a slight backache!, didn't I say I needed more rest!...I think I need my head examined, putting more work on myself...
The greens were cooking up and smelling so good , they put me into a cooking mood...I remembered some Ribs in the freezer and out they came....I made a small pot of Orzo and that was dinner...the ribs were delicious ...I made the sauce for them partly with my Jalapeno Jelly that I made last year..they are nice and spicy..(not too spicy, I added a little more Haberno and garlic to it..)...I don't think it's enough for another dinner...Cecil enjoyed them :o)....and so did I need in showing you the greens, they are all gone before I remembered to take a picture first...but the yield was just as much or more than the last picking..I think it's the NC weather that is the bomb...:o)
Friday, November 13, 2009
I'm not having much excitement around here!
It seems my blog friends are doing some creative things...Melodye is showing some of the quilts she has made during the years and there's a story that seems to go with each one...the quilts are gorgeous and makes me want to "get the needle going"...but when I remember and realize the work that goes into one ...I sit back in the "Chair Bed" and say to myself..
"you need more rest Missy" and silently drift back into a daydream state :o)
This morning I had to push myself out the door for exercise class...and was happy to get back home... Cecil and I had a few errands to tend to
and they simply wore me out in the end...the day seemed to fly to bed early tonight.
I think it's because I'm getting older, plus the illness..that I need more hours of sleep..especially when I awaken in the middle of the night and it takes me a couple of hours to drift off again...
I remember when I would rise and be busy the whole day into the next day...especially if I was doing some remodeling or making an outfit that had to be ready for Church or any other occasion I would be attending..especially when I was a "skinny Minnie" a yard of fabric would make me an outfit...(wish I had saved a few of those high fashion items, I do still have many of the Vogue patterns, just couldn't part with them)...That gives me a good idea for a nice old fashioned post :o)
"you need more rest Missy" and silently drift back into a daydream state :o)
This morning I had to push myself out the door for exercise class...and was happy to get back home... Cecil and I had a few errands to tend to
and they simply wore me out in the end...the day seemed to fly to bed early tonight.
I think it's because I'm getting older, plus the illness..that I need more hours of sleep..especially when I awaken in the middle of the night and it takes me a couple of hours to drift off again...
I remember when I would rise and be busy the whole day into the next day...especially if I was doing some remodeling or making an outfit that had to be ready for Church or any other occasion I would be attending..especially when I was a "skinny Minnie" a yard of fabric would make me an outfit...(wish I had saved a few of those high fashion items, I do still have many of the Vogue patterns, just couldn't part with them)...That gives me a good idea for a nice old fashioned post :o)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
"The excitement for the day, "Deborah's Doings"
If you want some's not on my blog today...but if you go see "Deborah's Doings" (on my side bar) ought to light a fire under someone! She has moved into her new home in Foley and she has started a lot of renovations...I'm staying tuned so when God decides to give me a farm I'll know what to do with it...:o)....
I came from a family of builders and some of it rubbed off on me and Cecil learned he could do a lot of things around a house he never thought my youth I would tackle anything , just to change a space into my desire :o)...can't tackle a lot these days , but I've got a few idea's I'm thinking about...and 4 big and strong and handsome grandsons who love to eat my cooking..:o)...need I say more
I came from a family of builders and some of it rubbed off on me and Cecil learned he could do a lot of things around a house he never thought my youth I would tackle anything , just to change a space into my desire :o)...can't tackle a lot these days , but I've got a few idea's I'm thinking about...and 4 big and strong and handsome grandsons who love to eat my cooking..:o)...need I say more
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Just a little talk post for today
It feels weird to add a new post without a picture!! Especially when a picture is worth a thousand words :o) (I had to think of something wise to say here)...
Today in North Carolina it was cold,windy, rainy, and all the other words that go along with being a bad hair other words it was a miserable day to go out in....but I knew I need to do some exercise and I wouldn't do it at home...I swear those new "chair bed" really holds us prisoners....All we do is watch TV , nod, find snacks to eat (and I'm trying to lose weight?.
Sooo out the door I went ..into the cold chilly morning with the rain whipping my face gently :o)....I like that sentence...makes me feel like I could write a book...I'd have a lot to tell, and lose any and all the friends I ever had or have...because it would be a true book...and I would probably tell too much...First thing at Cardiac Rehab was a class on medication..
Sometimes something is said and it rings a bell or opens your eyes to facts you didn't know or getting out was a benefit for me this of my medications side affect is coughing...and I have it at times.
The exercise went fairly well, and it was good to get back home...I made a big pot of beef soup yesterday to be free today...didn't think of taking a picture of it...had it with some nice hot toasted garlic bread..(yeah! I want to lose weight if I could stop bending my elbow.).Right now I'm in danger of gaining everything back I lost...the appetite has increased and I am weak thinking about certain foods...Oh! do I need help...Nothing else for today.. tomorrow is a free other words no Dr appointment..maybe I'll fool around in the Studio...haven't "worked" in here for a spell....
Today in North Carolina it was cold,windy, rainy, and all the other words that go along with being a bad hair other words it was a miserable day to go out in....but I knew I need to do some exercise and I wouldn't do it at home...I swear those new "chair bed" really holds us prisoners....All we do is watch TV , nod, find snacks to eat (and I'm trying to lose weight?.
Sooo out the door I went ..into the cold chilly morning with the rain whipping my face gently :o)....I like that sentence...makes me feel like I could write a book...I'd have a lot to tell, and lose any and all the friends I ever had or have...because it would be a true book...and I would probably tell too much...First thing at Cardiac Rehab was a class on medication..
Sometimes something is said and it rings a bell or opens your eyes to facts you didn't know or getting out was a benefit for me this of my medications side affect is coughing...and I have it at times.
The exercise went fairly well, and it was good to get back home...I made a big pot of beef soup yesterday to be free today...didn't think of taking a picture of it...had it with some nice hot toasted garlic bread..(yeah! I want to lose weight if I could stop bending my elbow.).Right now I'm in danger of gaining everything back I lost...the appetite has increased and I am weak thinking about certain foods...Oh! do I need help...Nothing else for today.. tomorrow is a free other words no Dr appointment..maybe I'll fool around in the Studio...haven't "worked" in here for a spell....
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sorry it took so long to post....there was nothing to tell
One bunch for me and one for Cecil....(which one is the biggest :o) not too bad for the second pickings ...the first was so good I couldn't wait ...So
the next day I picked twice as much and we had ball with them...Cecil bought some cornbread (to save my energy, I'm getting spoiled) and we feasted!! We didn't see the little flowers on them yet, I think they are still too young yet. ..they were tender and sooo good...Wish I could plant a whole field of them next year...wish I had a real farm with chicken's roaming around....just think of the chicken poop fertilizing the ground :o)

I'd have greens growing out of my ear ....nothing else to tell except last week the exercise was too much for the leg and I had to skip Friday...but Monday (I was good, and so was my B/S the medication is working).
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Today was just "Sit on my butt day! "
Nothing cooking today ...except Cornbeef that I put on last night in a Crock Pot fashion for Sunday's meal...and baked later today...I just had one sandwich of it and some potatoes boiled in it's juice..they were good and we kind of cleaned out the fridge today of need to say there is always something in it to make a meal...
What a surprise I had today when I opened up my blog! I saw a new face on my "Follows list"..the way my computer has been acting up ..I at first thought my picture had moved...then I realized it was my youngest daughter who was a new "follower"...Welcome Vanessa, your smile looks like mine :o)
What a surprise I had today when I opened up my blog! I saw a new face on my "Follows list"..the way my computer has been acting up ..I at first thought my picture had moved...then I realized it was my youngest daughter who was a new "follower"...Welcome Vanessa, your smile looks like mine :o)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
My First Persimmon Cupcakes..from my own Tree!
Thank God I was able to reap something that was sowed!! 
Today was a good day to try a recipe for Persimmon cupcakes..I should have looked twice at baking soda against baking powder! anyway they werent too bad..the darker and higher ones are withbaking soda
If you can get a close up...the brown on the yellow frosting are walnuts :o) Talk about something tasting good :o) yummy! yummy!

Today was a good day to try a recipe for Persimmon cupcakes..I should have looked twice at baking soda against baking powder! anyway they werent too bad..the darker and higher ones are withbaking soda

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"A Pleasant Surprise :o)"

Taking a short walk to the garden just for the sake of a short walk...what did I see ..a nice patch of green ..and I had a moment of rejoicing...
Cecil had taken up the potatoes and just "sowed" a little bit of the seeds just to see if something would become of them..well,like they say nothing beats a failure but a try...and it's very encouraging to see we could grow Broccoli Robe here in NC...Hopefully we can have more space next year to have plenty...the little that I bought didn't do well I will have to pick and eat them as they grow...guess I can manage that :o)...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
"Cooking shows give good reminders"
Watching a cooking show ...I put my chops in a salt brine for 30 minutes
then putting three slices of Honey wheat bread in my unit, and chopping them a little coarse (for a nice crunch)...I toasted them and after they cooled I added some parsley, black pepper and some garlic..then breaded the chops and put into a 400* oven for about 45 minutes (they said 15,but that's not enough for me).
After cooking in the oven for 45 minutes they became nice and toasty brown :o) and they tasted as good as they looked....I'd forgotten how good thick chops could taste cooked this way...

then putting three slices of Honey wheat bread in my unit, and chopping them a little coarse (for a nice crunch)...I toasted them and after they cooled I added some parsley, black pepper and some garlic..then breaded the chops and put into a 400* oven for about 45 minutes (they said 15,but that's not enough for me).

I baked a couple of potatoes at the same time...and we had enough for two days of delicious eating :o) I'm so good...:o)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Getting my Posts A%*& Backwards

This post was to follow the one below..I don't know what's happening , but I'm having a lot of trouble posting here of late...takes a long time and then it gets lost before I can finish..anyway here is an old fashioned way of frying cabbage with pieces of okra, after you have fried some country ham slices, or smoked jowl..or slices of prosciutto <(Italian country ham :o) (think it's spelled right) ...and when you cook it in an old fashioned iron skillet it tastes even better..All my iron pots are all seasoned well, from years of use. I think the men in the family will want them...
I'm a little tired tonight...going to bed early so I can be fit to exercise tomorrow...I was able to get my medicine and my Blood Sugar level was much better this morning...So I was able to ate good :o)
Today I felt like cooking so tomorrow I'll show you more cooking I did today :o).. The computer has worn me out...
"The Student does well"
There is a dish in most families that is passed
down ,generation to generation...this is one of those dishes :o)...

While my Grandson came to visit ..he requested "Chicken Pie" (really "Chicken and Dumplings") It's a simple dish to prepare and you can feed many with was a staple dish for many families that had 8 to 10 (or more) children....I got the recipe from my Mother in law...since it was one of Cecil's favorite dishes (comfort food). I learned to make it well and the kids always asked for it...and then the Grand kids started requesting it...Once in a while it seems my Grandsons want to learn how to make something I make...and they end up making it better than me :o)....One makes pancakes, and adds new twists to it, now everyone wants him to make it...Lets just say I taught them well...wish I could have tasted this ones "Chicken Pie" :o) it has to taste as good as it looks ...He is smart like me too!! :o)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Princess Avery

Here's the new Daddy holding Princess Avery, he knows how to burp her already .. There is a lot of space I noticed this evening ..on this post...I tried to remove it , but the blog was really bad today and I got lost with it several times.
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