Say hello to my " Little Cover up Girl "
What's she covering up you say? Well lets
take a peek under her skirts (naughty).
She has been saving something for me for at least 30 years, she keeps it out of contact of some people who like to "touchy , feely"
and when they break it "Sorry" means nothing.
Now the secret is out :o). I bought this about
30 or more years ago,
I forgot where, because I loved Antique shopping and Junk stores ( Now they are called Goodwill :o) It's really a butter Churner missing the paddle that fits into that hole.
She will do fine for making Kraut, made of the same stuff..
Last year I had to use a ceramic flower pot, it did the job but it was uncomfortable to use.
The plate I used needed more weight to hold down the cabbage..well I googled and found the perfect solution for this years "Sauerkraut makings :o)
Here's the solution to the problem :o)
It came last night ..I wish delivery would at least ring the bell. It wasn't found until late when Cecil checked the car etc. before we retired for the night.
Inside the crock , you can see it's a perfect fit :o) I'm ready for some serious Sauerkraut making. My blessing was right under my nose all along if I just paid some attention :o) I saved myself a pretty penny :o) not having to buy another set up.
Update: TSM product 10-15 Liter Stone Weight..There is a larger one, but that size fits my crock. I ordered it from $14.95 +$7.35 = $22.34