Yesterday was a busy time for me! For three days in a row I had some energy! I think I love my Dr. :o)
The Studio was so cozy that I began to straighten it up!< I worked just about all day moving stuff around....I didn't have to lift anything , it slid on the floor pretty good, I mean boxes of yarn and boxes of fabric, ye gads! I have a lot of stuff and swear I need every yard and skein :o(....Finally cleaned off my cutting table , it was holding stuff I was too lazy to put away...I felt good to have done something for a change...realized we needed a dessert, and I hadn't made a cake in a long time...so I made the Sock it to me cake and it was so good we ate it like it was going out of style...Thought I'd better take a picture before I had no proof I made it yesterday :o)It's delicious, made with sour cream and pecans in it, Cecil didn't want the Glaze to cut down on the sugar..I agreed.